Frame and Couch Background
Frame and Couch Background
Frame and Couch Background
Frame and Couch Background
Frame and Couch Background
Frame and Couch Background
Frame and Couch Background


Langdon Dove

  • LRV: 63
  • RGB: 241 / 198 / 196
  • Hex Value: #F1C6C4
  • Location Number: 107-C1
  • Available in: Interior/Exterior
  • Color Family(s): Red

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Jackson Antique

  • LRV: 63
  • RGB: 241 / 198 / 196
  • Hex Value: #F1C6C4
  • Location Number: 107-C1
  • Available in: Interior/Exterior
  • Color Family(s): Red

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Phelps Putty

  • LRV: 63
  • RGB: 241 / 198 / 196
  • Hex Value: #F1C6C4
  • Location Number: 107-C1
  • Available in: Interior/Exterior
  • Color Family(s): Red

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Bayberry Wax

  • LRV: 63
  • RGB: 241 / 198 / 196
  • Hex Value: #F1C6C4
  • Location Number: 107-C1
  • Available in: Interior/Exterior
  • Color Family(s): Red

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Sandy Bluff

  • LRV: 63
  • RGB: 241 / 198 / 196
  • Hex Value: #F1C6C4
  • Location Number: 107-C1
  • Available in: Interior/Exterior
  • Color Family(s): Red

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Flaxen Field

  • LRV: 63
  • RGB: 241 / 198 / 196
  • Hex Value: #F1C6C4
  • Location Number: 107-C1
  • Available in: Interior/Exterior
  • Color Family(s): Red

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Rain Barrel

  • LRV: 63
  • RGB: 241 / 198 / 196
  • Hex Value: #F1C6C4
  • Location Number: 107-C1
  • Available in: Interior/Exterior
  • Color Family(s): Red

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Actual color may vary from on-screen representation. To confirm your color choices prior to purchase, please view a physical color sample.
  • Coordinating Colors

  • Coordinating Colors